Pretty in Pink Prize Raffle Raises $20,000 for Breast Cancer Research

DCA Donates 20k to Breast Cancer Research Foundation


Dermatology Center of Atlanta successfully raised $20,000 through its "Pretty in Pink Prize Basket" raffle during the annual Customer Appreciation Night celebration. All proceeds were donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation to support their mission to prevent and cure breast cancer. The raffle, which offered a lavish prize basket worth over $2,000, garnered immense community support, highlighting the power of collective efforts for a noble cause.

“Pretty in Pink” Raffle: Celebrating Community and Making an Impact!

When we first introduced the “Pretty in Pink Prize Basket” raffle, we hoped for an enthusiastic response, but what we experienced was beyond our wildest dreams. Our community’s support was nothing short of overwhelming, and we’re thrilled to share the results with all of you!

We always say that our patients are absolutely the best, but the overwhelming support we witnessed for our “Pretty in Pink Prize Basket” raffle has genuinely left us in awe. Together, we’ve shown that when our community comes together, incredible things happen!

The aim was simple: raise funds to support the crucial work of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation while offering a chance for one lucky individual to enjoy a lavish prize. And raise funds we did! Thanks to your generosity and participation, we successfully raised a staggering $20,000!

Every penny of the $20,000 we raised has been donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. These funds will directly support research to prevent and cure breast cancer. Your contribution will make a tangible difference in advancing the world’s most promising research. For every ticket you purchased, for every time you spoke about the raffle to someone else, and for every moment you believed in the impact we could make – we thank you.

Customer Appreciation Night has always been a highlight of our year, but this charitable raffle added an extra layer of significance for us.

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Whether you bought one ticket or ten, shared the raffle with a friend, or simply sent us good wishes – you played an essential role in this success. Together, we’ve taken a step toward a world without breast cancer.

Thanks to your impressive community spirit and generosity, DCA successfully raised $20,000 through our “Pretty in Pink Prize Basket” raffle that was part of Customer Appreciation Night. All proceeds have been proudly donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) to support the organization’s mission to prevent and cure breast cancer.

The raffle featured an extravagant prize basket worth over $2,000 in cosmetic treatments and products. Tickets sold rapidly, with supporters eagerly contributing to both a chance at winning and a profound cause.

“We are truly overwhelmed by the amazing response from our community,” said Dr. Leslie Gray, owner of Dermatology Center of Atlanta and breast cancer survivor. “Every ticket purchase was a step closer to making a significant impact in the world of breast cancer research. We are immensely grateful to everyone who participated.”

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is a leading non-profit organization that strives to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the world’s most promising research. This substantial donation will further enable the foundation to support groundbreaking research across the globe.

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